
About the Law (ATL) welcomes guest posts and submissions by everyone interested in the legal system of India and having a fair idea of the law. It is a platform to share views and ideas about the legal affairs of India. The primary purpose of the blog is to provide readers with a compact introduction and information about the rule and concept of the dynamic body of LAW in India. By going through our blog you will have a fair Idea of the topics we cover which stretches to almost all accordions of legal subject. Additionally, we welcome posts on legal pulp which you might have read and wish to share reflections and reactions. All submssions must follow the mentioned guidelines.

Guidelines –

  1. The submission must be centred around introducing the concept of law in India by explaining any past or present event/controversy in the Country or its Courts. The word limit must be roughly between 1000-1500 words.
  2. All submissions must be made in a WORD DOCUMENT ONLY. Use hyperlinks or footnotes while referencing.
  3. All submissions must be emailed to .
  4. The submissions will undergo scrutiny by ATL editors.
  5. If you have certain ideas and wish to explore more and build-up on it, write to us and we will assist you in creating arguments.

Hope to look at your amazing submissions soon!

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